
news/2024/10/2 7:08:26 标签: 架构, 网络, 安全

11.6 Class 6: Distribution function配电

        Capability of distributing electrical energy from the transmission grid to the customer’s
        Receives the transmitted electrical energy from the transmission grid.
        Typically transforms it to appropriate voltage levels.
        Distributes it to the customer installation in a safe and efficient way.
        Receives authorisation to connect (or disconnect) the customer installation to the distribution network.
        Connects (or disconnects) the customer installation to the distribution network.
        Optionally creates the customer installation and installs the metering and delivery equipment.
        Optionally has a contractual agreement with the transmission company.
        NOTE 1 The act of performing the connection (or disconnection) is a legal process and is distinctly different from the process of interruption or restoration of the supply to the customer’s load in accordance with available credit in the Accounting function. See also Delivery function for more detail on the latter.
        NOTE 2 The actual connection (or disconnection) is typically done outside the customer’s premises in a junction box on the ground (for underground distribution networks) or on the top of a pole (for overhead distribution networks). The connection methods are subject to the relevant legal requirements and codes of practice that ensures the safety and technical performance of the installation.
        NOTE 3 There may also be undesirable electro-magnetic disturbances that originate on the distribution network due to various design and operational factors. For example: voltage/load regulation, high neutral/earth impedance, lightning induced current and voltage surges, fault current protection and safety devices, electrical noise generated by certain customers’ load equipment, harmonic distortion, voltage dips, brownouts and supply interruptions, etc.
        These are quality of supply factors that should be taken into consideration when specifying
the requirements for the withstand capability and the performance of metering and delivery equipment.




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